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bird Birdwatching Fall Uncategorized

Feelings of Fall

The colors are changing and it’s that time of year to prepare for winter. The sunflowers have been harvested. The garden is ready to close down for the coming cold. The grill and lawn furniture is stowed.

Now my favorite part of this time of year besides the vibrant fall colors is the return of all my feeder birds. I had a junco on camera just yesterday morning. Blue jays are beginning to stop by more frequently. I never see them at the height of summer. My bird seed orders are starting to arrive as I build my supply up.

It is hard to stow away the sandals and shorts. I might have to become like the birds and consider migration! Snow was a lot more fun as a child when you didn’t have to move it off the driveways and side walks. However warm sunny seems much more inviting anymore. Costa Rica winter birding trip anyone?

Blue Jays and a Sunflower

Birdwatching Uncategorized

2023 Bird List

Just a short post to say Happy New Year!  The page is alive at the top of the menu bar for my 2023 bird list. Follow how many different bird species I see throughout this year by checking in…


Rainy Fall Saturday

Fall colors are starting to go away as the rain and wind has knocked most leaves off by now. Most bird migrations have peaked. Fall is not one of my most favorite times. Aping and summer have to probably…


Happy May 1

I don’t know if I will post daily or not, I haven’t decided. What is to come of this webpage as I spent some of yesterday thinking about it. I believe this will a place to share bird stuff.…


Welcome to this blog launch

I felt this would be a good attempt to share my birding adventures and discoveries with my readers. The purpose of this blog is to share tips, tricks, and equipment for birding. I want to take you along as…